◯Real-World Bullying and Crime Prevention Measures and Actions[4]

    In studies on individuals associated with organized crime, it has been observed that those who join gangs as adults often share common traits from their formative years up to the age of 20, such as not receiving sufficient parental affection. This trait is also common among delinquents, both male and female, in their teens. Additional factors include growing up in poverty or experiencing discrimination based on their region of origin or nationality. A deeper issue is that individuals who grow up without love may not know how to express affection when they have children, leading to a vicious cycle where their children also grow up lacking affection and may turn to delinquency. Therefore, even now, showing love and care can be a shortcut to rehabilitation for those who commit crimes.

    As an additional mechanism in Prout Village, even if an offender is admitted to a rehabilitation facility, the municipality is flexible enough to allow a sponsor from the community to take care of the offender as a substitute parent. In this case, leaders from the 5th to the 1st Town Assembly discuss whether the sponsor is truly suitable, with the 1st Town Assembly making the final decision. Former delinquents who are now adults can be suitable sponsors because they can empathize with the offender, having walked the same path themselves.

    However, the appropriateness of this arrangement depends on the nature of the crime, the individual’s family background, and personality. For example, if a teenage delinquent was involved in a fight with other delinquents, it's possible that issues in his family environment led to his misconduct. Being taken into a loving home could facilitate his rehabilitation. On the other hand, residents may feel threatened if an adult who has committed serious crimes like murder or arson is similarly taken in, unless the sponsor is highly trusted. In such cases, the offender would be cared for in a rehabilitation facility.

    The key is to identify a sponsor within the community who can always provide love and attention, creating an environment where a delinquent youth can be taken care of by the sponsor early on. Addressing these issues while the individuals are still young and more adaptable increases the likelihood of successful rehabilitation.

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