Author Hiloyuki Kubota / 久保田 啓敬

Hiloyuki Kubota
Around 2008, he began compiling 'Prout Village.' This offers an alternative perspective to capitalism and socialism, concluding that one of the fundamental causes of various global social issues such as climate change, war, poverty, and political corruption lies in the problematic nature of a monetary-based system. He is summarizing methods for constructing a society without money.

Furthermore, his interest in Earth's history was ignited through extensive literature reading, prompting him to gather resources on ancient civilizations. Through compiling documents, he discovered the prevalent use of the golden ratio in ancient architecture and artifacts worldwide, along with the existence of shared symbols and narratives. Summarizing his findings, he suggests that faiths and religions worldwide trace back to a common origin, potentially dating back to ancient Africa, after which they independently evolved across different regions.

Since 2013, he has started releasing dance music from both domestic and international labels.

 久保田 啓敬、Hiloyuki Kubota。


